Market Leading Research Software

Handpick solutions specific to your company to run smoothly and rest easy

Bridging the Gap

eFIN was developed in response to clients’ needs above and beyond ROMEO’s core modules and clients’ respective finance modules.

  Connects ROMEO modules with your finance systems

  Nightly or routine eFIN data updates

  Whole picture view of research activities


eFIN allows you to

  Research account balance and encumbrance data

  Research account revenue and expenditure transactions and totals

  Research account voucher and purchase order data

  Research administrative data

eFIN’s security model ensures user access is appropriately limited by role, where research office administrators have access to all accounts, department administrators have access to accounts by respective department purview, and researchers have access to accounts in which they’re involved exclusively.
Having everything pertinent from both ROMEO and finance systems in one mutual view makes it a lot more efficient to reference up to date research account information and manage overexpenditures, eligible spending and payroll management, compliance or contractual terms.
For researchers and their personnel, eFIN cuts down greatly on the guesswork about research accounts, and presents the added benefit of not having to navigate the greater finance system. Users can easily view things like account balances, budget or compliance adherence, or purchase order status.